Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sarah Palin - A Chance of a Lifetime!

Today Charlie, Caleb, Emily and I traveled to Sioux City, Iowa to hear Sarah Palin speak. The event was amazing and a day Charlie and I will not soon forget. After she finished speaking I made my way to the front of the stage with Caleb on my shoulders. Before long I was at the front of the stage and she was headed my way. She looked at Caleb said he was beautiful and asked his name, how old he was and then asked if she could hold him. She asked a few questions about how he was doing, showed him to her daugther Piper and then signed Caleb's shirt. Then Piper asked a few questions, gave Caleb a high five and a sticker. The exchange was priceless! Charlie captured it with the photos below!

Governor Palin holding Caleb.

His shirt says "Sarah Palin for Vice President She Cares about Me!"

Governor Palin signing Caleb's shirt

Showing Caleb to her daughter Piper!

Piper and Caleb!

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