Monday, January 5, 2009

Hook'em Horns!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would marry someone from Texas. Growing up in Colorado most of my experiences with people from Texas came from the ski slops and a few friends in college and it wasn't very positive. In general I thought people from Texas were arrogant, loud and way too proud of their state. However, leave it to God to open my eyes, change my heart and show me that goods things do come out of the state of Texas. Not only is Charlie from Texas, but he is a big Texas Longhorns football fan. Even though I enjoy watching football, it has taken eight years of marriage to slowly pull me into rooting for the longhorns. So tonight with them playing in the Fiesta Bowl we got the kids dressed in there Texas duds, invited several of our friends (3 other families - 14 kids in all) to our house for a party. Even though our friends had to leave at halftime to get all the kids to bed we had a great time and the Longhorns pulled it off in the last few seconds and WON the GAME!

The whole gang! Even Caleb is trying to give his best Hook'em Horns!

The Boys!

The girls - so sweet!

Getting a little crazy!

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