Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Night in a Castle

I think every little kids dreams of visiting a castle and Caleb got his chance , just not under the conditions he dreamed of. On Tuesday Caleb had surgery in Sioux Falls, SD at Sanford's to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. They also checked his ears and put a tube in one ear (the other ear already had a hole - which the doctor said would need to be repaired when he got older). Since kids with Down Syndrome can have a harder time coming of the anaesthesia and often need oxygen longer we stayed the night in the Sanford Children's Hospital. This hospital was just opened in March and it is VERY kid friendly and helps makes a hospital stay much more pleasant. Even though he was sore and unhappy after the surgery he was still pretty active. Thank goodness for the kids playroom, the amazing murals, the wagons (for wagons rides around the hospital) and cool inactive structural features of the castle to keep the kids entertained. Here is a little peak at this amazing facility.

This is what his room looked like.

The playroom

The lobby

We are now home and Caleb is doing amazing! He has his up and down moments, but for the most part he is happy and acting pretty normal. He is drinking, eating and still very active. We are so thankful for him and God's continued protection over his life and health. He is a HUGE blessing to our family!

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