Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dr. Charles Couch

It is now official-on July 12th, Charlie successfully defended his dissertation.  After five and half years of reading, writing and research he is now Dr. Charles Couch.   He has earned a PhD in Education with a concentration in Leadership for Higher Ed Admin from Capella University.  It is hard to believe that it is actually over.  This has been a long journey filled with lots of ups and downs.  This accomplishment places Charlie in a very small minority of folks – less than 3 percent of the US population (age 25+) posses a degree at this level.   Even though the kids don’t understand the magnitude of his accomplishment they are overjoyed to hear that dad is done with school and they will no longer hear “Sorry but daddy needs to work on his paper tonight”. 
Charlie was so excited to eat the Oreo Ice Cream cake that he started to cut it before I could get a picture! 

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