Saturday, October 1, 2011

Two New Additions to our House

This summer Taylor decided she really wanted a guinea pig. Needless to say Charlie & I I were not really excited about the idea.  Nevertheless, Taylor did about everything she could to convince and proof that she was ready and responsible to take care of a pet.  She did extra chores, helped out wherever she could around the house, took extra initiative to care for our dog Toby, saved all her money the whole summer and even researched and wrote a report about Guinea pigs to prove she was ready.  Despite saving all summer, Taylor learned quickly that a pet and all their supplies were pretty expensive.  On top of that, from her research she learned guinea pigs actually do better in pairs so she really wanted two of them.   We started watching Craigslist and  we found two guinea pigs that Taylor completely fun in love with.  Best of all they came with the cage and all the supplies.  Meet our two new additions – Bugsy and Bumblebee!

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