Saturday, July 25, 2009

Special Day with Sarah

This summer we have been so blessed to have a very amazing student named Sarah live in our basement and spend time with our family. She was one of our babysitter's is past year and graduated from NWC is past May. She has been so much help and my kids have grown very fond of her. It will be difficult for all of us to say goodbye in just a few days when she has to leave for grad school in Indiana. In the past two months she has become one of the family. Knowing that our time with her was quickly coming to an end we decided to spend the day together at the Sioux Falls Zoo and a visit Chuck E Cheese.

Caleb went crazy when Chucky came out to visit the kids. He loves big cartoon people!

Emily and Sarah - her first ride on a carousel.

The kids and Sarah

Looking at the Turtles

Sarah & Emily

Emily with the Goats in the Petting Zoo

Emily our little tour guide telling us all about the animals -- too bad we could not understand anything she said.
Sarah and Caleb

Emily loving all the animals!

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