Friday, July 3, 2009

Texas ~ Colorado Springs ~ Fort Collins

The trip started kind of rough with a big rain/hail storm just 30 minutes into our trip. The rain & hail was coming down so hard along with strong winds forced us to pull over at a gas station and wait out the storm. Now with all 4 kids awake we hit the road for Longview, TX. Nine hours later in Oklahoma we decided to call it quits for the day as the kids where fried and we were about to hit our wits end. The next day we drove into Longview, TX to visit Charlie’s family. For the past 7 months Charlie’s Dad has been battling cancer - lymphoma. We were thankful that he was feeling pretty good and on a two month break from chemo. We are praying that his next doctor’s visit with reveal good news by extended the break from chemo.
Pops and Emily Sleeping

Pops and Caleb

Pops and Brandon

Fathers Day BBQ

After 5 days of a great visit filled with sidewalk chalk, puzzles, the park, games, beads, and a couple trips to a kids fun center we hit the road again for the long trip to Colorado. We drove the 15 hour trip in ONE DAY with two major stops. Our first stop was for lunch in Amarillo, TX at the Big Texan (home of the Free 72 oz streak). After a great meal we got back in the car and the kids fell asleep for 3 ½ hours (praise the Lord).

Our next stop was in Trinidad, Co. where my Grandparent lived and where buried. We visited the grave of my grandparents and great grandparent and drove by my grandparent’s old house.
My Grandma and Grandpa's old house

After a very long day in the car we arrived in Colorado Springs, Co. at Charlie’s best friend (which happens to also be his cousin) house. Howard and Ann have two kids – Addison & Isaac who get along great with our kids. We spent two fun filled days together. On Friday we went to the North Pole and had a blast with the kids. We only wish we lived closer so we could spend more time together!

Ann holding Caleb

Addison pushing Emily

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On Saturday we headed up to Fort Collins, Co. to visit my family. Even though we were only there a couple of days we had a lot of fun!~ Slumber party with cousins Justin and Makenna ~
Lunch and tons of fun at Chuck E Cheese with Grandpa, Bobbie, Aunt Sheri and Uncle Bob ~ Ice Cream at Cold Stone with Uncle Bob and Aunt Sheri ~ BBQ with the whole family at my sister Sheri's house and a special visit to the cemetery to visit my mom's grave.

Emily at my Mom's grave.

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